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Cross-border litigation

Coordination of cross-border litigation, and Russian law expert reports for foreign litigation and arbitration proceedings

Preparation of the Russian law legal opinion on the assessment of the bankruptcy risks arising out of a sale agreement concluded between a French top-manager and board member of a major food services company and a former Russian banker for the purposes of the French pre-trial proceedings.

Coordination of recovery and interim measures proceedings in Georgia and in Italy against a former international supplier of furniture.

Coordination of the assesment of prospects and preparation of strategy towards the claim of ownership over the real estate located in Portugal against the former spouse.

Preparation of an expert report on proprietary rights in Russia for the purposes of submission of a claim in a foreign court against companies which illegally extracted natural resources from territory belonging to the client (prior to establishing Olga Kokoz Legal)

Preparation of an expert report on potential claims which may be submitted in an English court against a founder of several banks in relation to his failure to perform obligations under facility agreements (prior to establishing Olga Kokoz Legal)

Preparation of an expert report for an English court for the purposes of proceedings initiated against one of the beneficiaries of a Russian bank (prior to establishing Olga Kokoz Legal).

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Created by Ui media × Partisans.
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